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Circular Economy


Shortage of raw materials, fragile supply chains and high carbon emissions and waste generation require the construction industry to change direction – in other words, less talk and more action!

Manufacturers, architects, experts in construction logistics, auditors, harmful substance specialists, Cradle 2 Cradle pioneers and programmers of material databases are all working on optimisations.

We know that we need to rethink established processes and implement new ones, which means thinking outside the box. Ideally, we will adopt an interdisciplinary approach and do this hand in hand.

In the course of certifications, team ibak is responsible for the material testing and approval of building products. We make use of measurement data for life cycle assessments and develop disassembly and recycling concepts according to DGNB and EU taxonomy specifications. Where necessary, we apply this information to the DGNB Building Resource Passport. This facilitates a detailed record of resources used, which in turn improves transparency and forms the basis for further optimisation.

With this licence-free tool, which you can adjust for further planning in relation to your properties, you are equipped for a possible exit. Experience shows you will be questioned if this happens.

Should you purchase licences for digital platforms in this context, we will assist with our results. Team ibak will always step up to achieve goals in partnership!

Contact us if the circular economy is a genuine consideration in your case. We will be delighted to provide you with effective advice.

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